PAYMENT & CANCELLATION: Once you have decided on a tour and it is confirmed you will have to pay a non-refundable deposit to secure your reservation. You will be informed of the deposit amount in your invoice. The balance is due in our office 60 days before the tour embarkation unless otherwise noted on the invoice. Should you discover you have to cancel your plans more than 60 days prior to the tour embarkation your payments will be credited* in house toward any future World Explorer Tours and Travel - Travel Egypt Inc. trip to the same destination less any fees charged by suppliers and a $100 service charge per person. NO REFUNDS ARE POSSIBLE, ONLY CREDITS. Notice can be in writing via e mail to reservations@travelegypt.com or to info@worldexplorertours.com or via postal letter to World Explorer Tours and Travel - Travel Egypt Inc., P.O. Box 5010, St. Marys, GA 31558, USA. Cancellations within 60 days of the tour embarkation date forfeit the entire value of the tour.
RESPONSIBILITY: World Explorer Tours & Travel - Travel Egypt Inc. and cooperating agencies act only in the capacity of agent for the participation in all matters relating to transportation and/or all other related travel services and assume no responsibility howsoever caused for injury, loss or damage to person or property in connection with any service including but not limited to, that resulting directly or indirectly from: acts of God, detention, annoyance, delays and expenses arising from quarantine, strikes, thefts, pilferage, force majure, failure of any means of conveyance to arrive or depart as scheduled, civil disturbances, government restrictions or regulations, discrepancies or change in transit. Reasonable changes in itinerary may be made where deemed advisable for the comfort and well being of the participants. If for any reason beyond World Explorer Tours and Travel Inc. control, scheduled flights or air fares are changed, any increase in air fare will be collected from tour members; The airlines concerned are not to be held responsible for any act, omission, or event during the time the passengers are not on board the aircraft and/or conveyances. the airline tickets issued by the airlines concerned, when issued, shall constitute the sole contract between these airlines and the purchaser of any of World Explorer Tours and Travel - Travel Egypt Inc. and/or tour members.
RISKS: The very nature of providing tours causes concern on the part of World Explorer Tours and Travel - Travel Egypt Inc. as to the safety of each tour participant. Due to this the company reserves the right to refuse to accept or retain any person as a client of any package at any time and for any reason whatsoever, which World Explorer Tours and Travel - Travel Egypt Inc. and/or its suppliers shall in our (their) sole judgment deem necessary. In any such event the companies involved shall not be held liable and the client shall have no recourse whatsoever, directly or indirectly against World Explorer Tours and Travel - Travel Egypt Inc. and/or its suppliers with respect to the cancellation.
TRAVEL INSURANCE: World Explorer Tours and Travel - Travel Egypt Inc. requires that all tour participants have travel insurance coverage including trip interruption, trip cancellation (cancel for any reason), health and life. Tour operators and agencies cannot be expected to refund or credit clients when circumstances beyond the control of World Explorer Tours and Travel - Travel Egypt Inc. prevent the client from completing their trip. Insurance should be considered as part of the cost of any holiday. Travel insurance is available on the internet from many companies.
VENUE: Any controversy or claim rising out of or relating to this contract, or the breach of this contract, shall be settled in the State of Georgia. Proceedings against the company must be filed within one year of the date of tour departure. World Explorer Tours and Travel - Travel Egypt Inc. nor any affiliate shall in any case be liable for other than compensatory damages, and all tour members hereby waive any rights to punitive damages. No party, other than an officer of World Explorer Tours and Travel - Travel Egypt Inc. by any means, including verbal or written, is authorized to vary, add, or waive any term or condition in this contract. On advancement of deposit the depositor and all tour members agree to the bound by the above recited terms and conditions. It is solely the responsibility of the depositor to inform all tour members of these terms and conditions and World Explorer Tours and Travel - Travel Egypt Inc. cannot be held responsible in any way for failure on the part of the tour organizer and/or depositor to adhere to this matter.
World Explorer Tours and Travel - Travel Egypt Inc.
4445 Highway 40 East Suite 602
Saint Marys, Ga 31558 USA
IATA 11-5 5536 4
"Not all those who wander are lost." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring